
Vivid minds was created in Los Angeles California with hopes of reaching the entire United States, maybe even the world. Our goal is simple, we hope to help HEAL those that need it. 

Our natural, organic ingredients are thoughtfully chosen for their profound and insightful properties. Our unique blend of adaptogenic mushrooms has been formulated for best results for the widest audience. 

The long term effects of using Vivid Minds are a more patient and understanding perspective of others and a deeper knowledge of oneself.  Can be used to reconnect to the creative force within, or even to navigate a traumatic experience for healing with a professional guide.

Many individuals report higher levels of creativity, energy, focus, and improved relational skills, as well as reduced anxiety, stress, and even depression.

“I really notice a difference on days when I take Vivid Minds. I’ll be in a situation I might normally consider stressful and I’ll realize I am just really high spirited and even happy! Which is usually about the time when I remember I’d taken my Vivid Minds that morning!”